NaNoWriMo 2010: Week Two

Tradition states that Week Two of NaNoWriMo is where it all falls apart and you wonder why you're doing this to yourself.  The words are horrible and everyone else is doing better than you.  The sunshine is replaced with Tropical Storm Crankypants, the cookies are mouldy, and the bluebirds have become vultures, waiting for your weary carcass to drop and give up.

However, my Week Twos seem to be just a continuation of week one, because I always have a plot roadmap to follow and a basic idea of what comes next.  My chapters are getting larger as characters start taking unexpected turns, but it's all good.

Monday 8th
18777 words, 2058 today.  Plotting a gladiator match, three of St Louis's best against three from East Bay CA.  Watching my chapters get longer and longer and wondering how big this novel will get.  648 words at lunchtime today, finished up in the evening after a couple of episodes of Fringe.

Tuesday 9th
20804 words, 2027 today.  Turned up partway through the write-in at West County Mall (Barnes and Noble cafe 6-8pm) after a half hour of karate and finished my word count for the day.  118 words before work with new light box blasting photons at 5:30am, plus a record 627 at lunch.  Happy to have crossed the 20k barrier.

Wednesday 10th
20935 words, 131 today.  Wrote those 131 words with the light box this morning, and that was it.  No lunchtime session, and flaked out in the evening.

Thursday 11th
23064 words, 2129 today.  Back on track today, writing at lunch (1082) and after work (1047).  Writing about crazy people is fun!  Also, stopping when I know what's coming up next helps with the second writing session.  Hoping to hit the 25k point tomorrow, but I'm still in chapter five of twelve planned chapters.

Friday 12th
25469 words, 2405 today. Good lunchtime writing session, 805 words.  Introduced a new character and fleshed out another one.  Finished chapter five of twelve, this story will be longer than 50k

Saturday 13th
28204 words, 2735 today.  Write-in at the Crooked Tree coffee house in St Charles, 10am-2pm.  Realised one of my characters will need to be hunted down and killed off, so the Travelling Shovel of Death will claim an third victim in my novel.

Sunday 14th
30313 words, 2109 today.  Official write-in at Central Bread Co, 2-4pm.  I think I've reached the halfway point in the story.  This one may be longer than I had planned.

On to Week Three!

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