NaNoWriMo 2009 November is a way off yet, but I have an idea for National Novel Writing Month. Actually, I had the teeniest grain of an idea, I tossed it out at Hubby, and he handed me a fantastic idea to play with. I'm a big fan of outlining the
Fungus the Bogeyman socks When we lived in Stowemarket, I got a book from the library called Fungus the Bogeyman by Raymond Briggs. It followed a working bogeyman through his day travelling to the surface of Britain, where his job is to scare the humans. I raved about how wonderful the book was to
Spinning FO: Polwarth Finished a Navajo-plied skein of Polwarth yarn, 126yds of thin sport-weight yard, 2.5 ounces in total. I really like this skein: The fibre is undyed Polwarth I got while visiting The Fold last year. We went out of town for a weekend to see the Chicago aquarium and test-drive
State of the Write My writing goal is to finish a short story every other month, and come up with a cool idea for NaNoWriMo. The current short story in progress is for our post-NaNo group, my second attempt at a first person perspective, and I have the beginning and end written, but not
State of the Spin My goal for spinning is to follow the Yarn Harlot and use Tuesdays for spinning. I have a chunk of time between work and karate group class that can be spent in the front room with wheel, spindle, and NCIS re-runs on my laptop. Right now I have some tawny
State of the Knit My knitting goals are to finish the Eris cardigan before autumn and make another fingering weight shawl this year, probably Sivia Harding's Waves in the Square. Ambitious goals, given my usual level of output. Lunchtimes are for knitting now the citizenship revision is over. There needs to be
State of the Union NaNoWriMo has proved I work better with goals and a deadlines. I'm looking at the state of my knitting, spinning, and writing for the next few days and thinking about what goals I want to achieve. Passing the citizenship test was a huge personal goal, thank you for
Civic duties On Thursday I finished my Vintage Velvet scarf in the waiting room of the Federal building downtown. The place has an airport security scanner that let through both my metal circular needle and wooden double point needles. It also has several chirpy security guys who are always helpful and point
Architectural Lego Wired: Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Sets Brick by brick, Lego has been building its way out of the near bankruptcy it suffered around the turn of the century. It has done this by a seemingly simple strategy - making awesome product after awesome product. Now it is releasing the almost
UK Internet Censorship (Link via Random Acts of Reality.) Wired UK: The hidden censors of the internet. Journey with us to a state where an unaccountable panel of censors vets 95 per cent of citizens’ domestic internet connections. The content coming into each home is checked against a mysterious blacklist by a group