Forward planning I'll be out of town for a week next month getting training in Memphis TN. Away from Hubby, away from home, away from the stash, away from the books, away from the spinning wheel, and with my boss. I'll be in a hotel room with a
Jet Engine BBC News: How to build a star on Earth. Nuclear fusion is nature's power source. From the Sun to the most distant stars, the energy that lights up the Universe is released by sticking hydrogen nuclei together to make helium. Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in
Visiting Caveland Met up with Pat and Jodi to go and see Caveland in Festus. The place is for sale on eBay, and it's a house built in a cave. There are many photos on the Caveland website of the building process. This is the outside, from the top of
Going to my cave I want to go live in a cave. Hubby says it would be the perfect temperature for a server farm, a few mirrors could pipe in extra daylight, you have seventeen thousand square feet to play with, plus a couple of acres outside. You could put in satellite internet, there&
Strange relations Some socks are identical twins. I've never bothered too much trying to make mine identical, I'm happy with fraternal socks. But my current pair are only barely related, third cousins twice removed. They're made from Fyberspates 100% BFL yarn, labelled as self striping Peach,
Unspun There is wool lining up to be spun. I aim to spin twice a week on my new wheel, and I've done reasonably well so far. One bobbin of Sanguine Gryphon merino silk in En Avril at the back. Merino/seacell batts from Tulle and Dye in Sun-bleached
Bards in the Bog BBC News: Poetry aims to set bog standard. A competition has been launched to find poetry which will feature in the toilets of Shetland. Six poems will be selected every three months to go on display in all leisure centre toilets and at other locations. The Bards in the Bog
Keep Calm and Carry On BBC News: Soothing words and stiff upper lips Millions of copies of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster were printed on the eve of World War II, but never displayed. Now the message has taken on a new lease of life in our troubled peacetime. The simple
Pocket full of random I do most of my knitting at lunchtime, very irritating to get out of the car at work and realise I left my knitting bag at home. Current sock is made from allegedly "self-striping" yarn (Fyberspates BFL), but three stripes per sock is going to look a bit