"Died in a knitting accident" Hubby found this on xkcd, which is "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language". Knitbloggers are living on the edge!
Pirates in Progress Started a pair of Pirate Mittens for my next colourwork project. I'm using Dale Heilo in mink and light sheep heather: Slow going, but I love the elegant look of the ribbing and the palm. And there's a skull, right there! Went up a needle size
Quantum of Solace The new Bond film is going to be called Quantum of Solace, which is the title of a James Bond short story Ian Fleming wrote. BBC News got my old Quantum Mechanics lecturer, Jim Al-Khalili to explain what a quantum is. BBC News: For quant of a better word. Max
Mad Hatter Started the Very Warm Hat on Sunday. My first attempt was ripped out because the floats were too loose, ironic given my normal bulletproof tension. On the second attempt, I wove the carried yarn in every other stitch, and it's going much better. I felt almost obligated to
Hard knitting In show 50 of the Sticks and String podcast, David Reidy talked about tackling a hard project. One you weren't sure you could do, one that would be a real achievement to complete. I picked up the pattern for Eunny Jang's Anemoi mittens recently. They'
Not dead, just preoccupied Started a pair of socks using Classic Elite Alpaca Sox. The yarn is wonderfully soft with great colours, but I hated knitting with it. Hated it! It has two very loosely plied strands that come apart at the slightest touch, it's thinner than regular sock yarn, and I
Healing honey BBC News: Harnessing honey's healing power. Even up to the second world war, honey was being used for its antibacterial properties in treating wounds. But with the advent of penicillin and other antibiotic drugs in the twentieth century, honey's medicinal qualities have taken a back seat.
St. Distaff's Day According to the Book Of Days (scroll down), January 7th is St Distaff's Day. There is no saint called Distaff, it was just the day people were expected to return to work, and work for the women included spinning. Robert Herrick wrote this poem about it: St. Distaff&
Spindle and Sock In keeping with National Spin More Month, I've been working on some baby camel fibre. That lump is less than half of the original amount. I got it and my Kundert spindle at Maryland Sheep and Wool last year. Kundert spindles are turned as a complete unit, whorl
National Spin More Month (NaSpiMoMo) Happy New Year! Margene has declared January 2008 to be National Spin More Month. There's a Ravelry group for NaSpiMoMo with over 50 members already. I'm planning to join a monthly spinning group this month, so there should be regular spindle spinning going on throughout the