Late starter I have about 300 words on a NaNo novel. I'm not aiming to hit the 50k word count, I'm just going to take my time with it. But the sweater is driving me nuts and I needed a break. Hubby is doing great with his novel,
Eternal Sweater progress report III (or: Oh no, not again!) After Monday's rip out, I put in the armhole decreases and got back to work. Measured front and back together, checked the sleeve will fit, and it didn't. Not. Even. Close. So I had to rip out a chunk of the
Racing robots BBC News: Robot rally cars face tough race. Twenty-three cars are setting off on a remarkable race across the desert. From a distance, the cars look like any other rally cars tearing down the dusty roads. But closer inspection reveals that something odd is going on. There's no-one
Unlucky Fried Kitten It's been a long time since I put together a list for my humour section. I learned from the comedy courses at Writer's Village University that comedy writing is harder work than writing straight because you have to keep polishing the almost-funny parts until the almost
Gutted Had to rip out about seven inches of sweater front this lunchtime because I'd forgotten to put in the armhole shaping. That's over 50g of wool undone, a whole week of work pulled out in 20 minutes. I'd thought I was doing so well.
NaNoWriMo 2006 We went to the kick off party for St Louis NaNoWriMo Sunday afternoon. They want me to write. I told them I have a sweater to finish but they want me to write. The galling thing is that after a whole year with no story idea, I finally got mugged
Eternal Sweater progress report II This is the end of my second week knitting just the Eternal Sweater. Today I got to the neck divide, which means I am 10 rows and one sleeve away from finishing a project I started in 1994! I'm pretty confident I have enough yarn left now. That&
Pet Shop Boys! Hubby got us tickets for the Pet Shop Boys concert at the Pageant last night, part of their Fundamental tour. It was fantastic! Felt more like a party than a concert, and we met some interesting people. They played old stuff and new stuff, and some really old stuff, and
Cloak of invisibility BBC News: Experts create invisibility cloak. A US-British team of scientists has successfully tested a cloak of invisibility in the laboratory. The device hid a small copper cylinder from passing microwaves in tests at Duke University in North Carolina. It works by deflecting the microwaves around the object and restoring
Eternal Sweater progress report Finished the trailing fuchsia lace scarf on Weds 18th, and put the front of the Eternal Sweater in my backpack for lunchtime knitting. This is now my sole project in progress, I'll post next Friday how I'm doing with it. Each row is 118 stitches and