Back from MOPACA part 3
There's no sun at five in the morning, but the hotel had a snow plough clearing the parking lot and the interstate looked good. The sun came out early in the morning and by the end of the day, everything was melting.
Jodi and I went to the Sunday needle felting demo and made ducks. I only stabbed myself with the felting needle once and my duck looks pretty good. I trimmed the beak with scissors to make it more beak-like. And it was simple! One barbed needle, one block of foam, and some roving and some needle-stabbing, and you get a duck:

We rolled up a strip of roving and felted it into a cylinder, felted one end more to make the head, and rounded in the tail end. Then we felted a small ball and cut it in half to make cheeks and felted those on to the head. Next we felted a strip of yellow to make the beak and stabbed that on to the head, felted on two eyes and added a ribbon. Someone in the earlier demo ended up with a platypus instead of a duck but that's OK.
Did a little shopping each day, I was looking for things I couldn't get anywhere else. Got some Suri roving from Ann Mays of Alpacas d'Auxvasse that came from a toasted coconut alpaca called Bevin. It is heavenly soft! I've never spun Suri before, never even seen Suri roving.

Blackwater Treasures was packed with interesting fibre and I kept going back to Lorry MacDonald for more. Got an 88/12 blend of cinnamon Suri and bamboo, a 60/40 blend of Alpaca and Icelandic wool, some kid mohair, some Shetland wool, and a llama, alpaca, and Icelandic blend.

We left Kansas City around 3:30. My car was parked at Pat and Jodi's place an hour south of St Louis and Hubby saved me two hours drive. He made arrangements with Pat to pick up my car on Monday after work, and I got dropped in St Louis in time to grab a bite to eat and collapse into bed. I'd been worried about driving back later as tired as I was, and he took care of everything. I have the best husband.