Block party
I have witnessed the miracle of blocking. I left Faina an extra day to make sure it wasn't faking flatness before taking the pins out, and lo, it stayed flat! So I'm blocking everything:

This is the Prairie Shawl from Folk Shawls, made in Blue Sky Alpacas hand dyed worsted. Lovely soft yarn, and it's going to be a Christmas present for someone. Curled up on top of it is the Morehouse Farm snake scarf, still lacking eyes and tongue, but ready to get flat. I love the acid green colour and the stripes, even though I did have to go up four needle sizes to get something even remotely approaching the recommended gauge.
Taught someone how to knit today, and found out who to call to get our monthly group on the local Borders events calendar. This is a big scary step, until now it's all been word of mouth and people bringing their friends along. Going public could mean strangers arrive, and I'm an introvert at heart. It's a good thing, just scary. Second Saturday of the month, ten till twelve, women only, in the cafe at the Brentwood store. Drop by and say hello if you're in the area.
Tiger Sock #2 may be finished for Christmas. Maybe. The heel is done, and I'm on the "work in k2p2 rib until you get sick of ribbing, do another inch and then cast off way looser than that time with the hemp sock when you couldn't get it over your foot and had to rip out the cast off, join the yarn, and cast off again" part of the pattern.
Returned the backup skein of yarn I'd got for Faina's scarf, it is no longer needed. The scarf took two balls, plus a bit of the third for the fringe. The project is done when the emergency yarn has been returned. Myer's House is where I got it from, it is my favourite yarn store in the city and lives in the top floor of an 1800's house on a hill, all high ceilings and creaky staircases. It is a great place to hang out and de-stress, no-one ever hassles you. The owner knows my name, my current project, and always makes sure she says hello when I'm around.