Dark Side Mister Men
I love the Mister Men and Little Misses. Plaid-Dragon has this icon for bad days:

Haven't you ever wished for alternative Mister Men? I offer you the Dark Side Mister Men and Little Misses, the ones they kept hidden:
- Little Miss Prozac
- Little Miss Fashionazi
- Little Miss Bankrupt
- Little Miss Gossip
- Little Miss Fragile
- Little Miss Screech
- Little Miss Hypocrite
- Little Miss Hopeless
- Little Miss Superior
- Little Miss Cling
- Mister Stalker
- Mister Dull
- Mister Fetish
- Mister Deception
- Mister Misogynist
- Mister Motormouth
- Mister Breathmonster
- Mister Remotecontrol
- Mister Creditcard
- Mister Creepy
Did I miss any? Leave a comment and let me know!