England pictures
We did over 900 miles in the hire car while we were in England. Much of the time was spent in Bournemouth, heading out from there for trips to Stroud and London, then visiting Plaid Dragon and Mr Bristow before returning to Gatwick for the flight home. Continental Airlines was probably the best carrier we've flown on, halfway decent meals, smiling stewards, extra ice cream, and no lost luggage. The security check on the UK side was stricter than the US side, with all knitting needles banned from carry-on luggage. I found the sign in time to stuff my Koigu scarf into the checked bag and read for most of the flight back.
Found a few classic red phone booths in London, the old K6 design. The newer phone booths are boring silver and glass affairs, the K6 has character. There's one outside a pub in town.

Fulfilled a longtime dream while in London:

We win! Mornington Crescent is not just a station on the London Underground, but a game with many variations played on the Official London Underground map (also available as a PDF).
Hit Bournemouth beach on a chilly day and there were plenty of people walking dogs and dodging the waves.

The drive down to Bournemouth takes you through the New Forest. Didn't see any New Forest Ponies this trip, but this stile caught my eye.

It was a fantastic trip (yes, we did catch the Doctor Who Christmas special, plus some older episodes!) but it's good to be home again too.