Holy Lace Batman!
I couldn't resist that title! This is the first 36 rows of the Faina scarf and it's working!

I've only had to tink part of one row where I forgot a yarnover. It will need blocking and it looks much better in person, but it's working! The sskp and sk2p gave me a little trouble (you want me to do what with that stitch?) but I understand why it's there now (thanks for the closeup Hope!). I did the cast on over two needles, and that seems to be loose enough.
This is not quite the first lace I've done. I picked up another skein of Silky Wool and tried Knitty's Branching Out lace scarf as a tryout for Faina. I messed up rows 1, 3, 5, and 7, having to rip everything out each time. It's only a nine row pattern and I messed it up dismally. I'm determined to get it right one day, but Faina is a lot easier, 78 row repeat and all. Maybe the geometry of Faina is making it easier for me. Either way, I really like this pattern. I'm not a chart girl and having the whole thing written out is wonderful.