Kool-Aid continued
I used lemon, orange, and cherry Kool-Aid for the sock yarn, divided the yarn roughly into three chunks, dumped it into the drink and popped it in the microwave. Three two-minute zaps on high power, and the water was clear, and the yarn definitely coloured. I left it about three minutes betwen zaps because I'm impatient. The red pot was a packet of cherry and half of an orange, the yellow pot was two lemons and half an orange, and the orange pot was two oranges.

For the worsted weight, I used lime and a colour-changing cherry flavour which came out bluish. The end result looked like this:

Remind me never to drink Kool-Aid. I'm shocked at how well the colour took, and at what that implies for the chemical content of the Kool-Aid. Once the yarn was rinsed, washed, and rinsed again, I put it on coathangers in the bathroom to dry. It's still drying a day later, but this is how the skeins turned out:

When it eventually dries, the red orange skein will get turned into a pair of socks for me, the green I'm still trying to figure out. The yarn smells a little fruity but it's not unpleasant. I didn't end up with dye all over my hands and kitchen so I'm happy. This is definitely an experiment to repeat.