NaNoWriMo planning
It's October now. My novel idea has more shape, my good guy has a face, and a sidekick, and a couple of minor quests to pull off before she faces the bad guy. I have a way to tell a bunch of back story and experiment with writing first person. The cast is getting assembled and there's a serious amount of scribbling in my plot notebook. I'm a few caramel latte's away from having it all sorted out. I love this part of NaNo. All is potential, and the grind of weeks two and three is a distant memory. We start on a Saturday this year, which is perfect for racking up a serious head of steam.
The re-designed NaNoWriMo website is online. For one month, I'll be almost an extrovert, going to weekly write-ins, posting in the regional forums, and encouraging the troops. I still have the Word Wrangler's Pointy Stick from last year.
And the Eris cardigan I planned to wear to the NaNo kick off is not finished. I have work to do...