NaNoWriMo Week 2
Crossed the 25k mark this week, but I haven't quite got to the halfway point of the story, that's another few thousand words away. I have a nasty suspicion this one wants to be quite a bit longer than 50k. Characters are turning out a lot more devious and scheming than I'd planned. I like it.
Went to two Saturday write-ins this week, the Crooked Tree in St Charles in the morning, and the Dubliner down town in the afternoon, plus Hubby's Tuesday night in Barnes and Noble at West County Mall. The official write-in is Sunday afternoon at the Clayton Bread Co.
Continuing the "I don't have time to take photos, I'm writing a novel darnit!" theme, this is from 2007:

Our 12th wedding anniversary was a year divisible by three, which means going to see Phantom of the Opera somewhere. I find out the somewhere at the airport on our way out of town. This time, Paul picked Las Vegas, and added on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. This was taken near the cafeteria.
We'd never seen mountains before, or desert. It was beautiful.