New Zealand Chelsea Buns
I've made one batch of these from my mother's recipe, I made a few mistakes but they were still delicious.

Ingredients for the bun
- 8oz flour (I used whole wheat flour)
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 3oz unsalted butter
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1/2 cup of milk
Ingredients for the filling
- 4oz brown sugar
- 2oz butter
- 1 heaping teaspoon of cinnamon
Heat oven to 425f.
Rub the butter into the flour and baking powder. Mix with the beaten egg and add milk a little at a time until you have a lump of dough. Roll it out into a long strip, at least 11in long and 8in wide.
Cream the butter, sugar, and cinnamon together. Spread across the dough in a thin layer. Roll up the dough on the long side and seal the edge with a little milk. Cut into slices and put in a foil-lined 8x8 dish.
Bake for 20 mins, you should see the filling melt and bubble.
My big mistakes were that I didn't roll the dough out thinly enough, and I didn't spread the filling over the whole width of the dough, so some parts of my buns are missing cinnamon filling. But they still taste delicious.
Batch #2 will be cooked at 450f to see if that gets the sugar all melty, and double the cinnamon in the filling.