Now, 12 August, 2017
Thinking aboutPublic speaking, I have stuff to say! Co-presented a talk at the company internal conference, 'Free cookies and usability for all,' and baked nine dozen cookies for it. I never want to smell cinnamon and brown sugar again. Solo speaker on a lightening talk, 'Agile for better mental health,' which is a subject I care a lot about. Both were well received.
Submitted two talks to Dev Up, a local tech conference in October. I'm terrified they will accept one, or both. This is the first time I have submitted talks to a conference. Two years ago I would never have done that.
Stimuli and inputFinished 'Incognito, the secret lives of the brain,' by David Eagleman, and I have lost all confidence in memory, vision, and decision-making. It's a fascinating book, only the second one on Audible I've got through. The next book on Audible is Eric Barker's 'Barking up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong.' Liking it a lot so far.
Still working through 'Letters from a Stoic' by Seneca, and 'Difficult Conversations' by Stone, Patton, and Heen. Both are good, and I'm taking my time.
Craft and unnecessary creatingChristmas knitting. That is all. And some sourdough scones. And a ridiculous amount of cookies for the 'Free cookies and usability' talk.
Exercise and healthI think it has been over a year since I have sparred with a non-black-belt at karate. I feel like I am fighting better, I've picked up a bunch of new moves and tweaked old ones to nail the technique.
Experimenting with a Paleo diet, with sad results: I've lost weight and I really miss cheese, dairy, and bread.
If you want to kill off a sugar craving, bake six batches of the same cinnamon sugar cookies and give them all away at a conference talk. By batch five, you will be craving salt, celery, veggies, and meat. And bacon. All the bacon!