On hiatus till November I'm taking a break from the blog till the end of the month. Lots of things going on, not many of them good. I'm fine, Hubby is fine, the cats are fine. See you in November.
Toasty Cardigan and the Rocky Start The stashbusting cardigan parade was off to a good start with the Toasty Cardigan from Rowan until I realised I'd made an error. If you cut the number of ribbing rows in half to save yarn, then blindly follow the instructions to "knit until back is 22cm
FO: Sleepy Bunny Finished the faceless bunny. This will head out to England to be a fund-raising item for a rabbit rescue. I left off the face, someone else volunteered to do that for me. Also left off the pompom tail. Pattern: Billy Bliss Bunny Rabbit (Ravelry link) Yarn: Berroco Comfort Needles: US3
Tweets for September 16th to September 30th * I got gauge first time on a new knitting pattern with the needles it suggested. This has never happened before. I'm stunned. * Winning the 2011 inappropriate shoes contest by pairing karate pants, sweat, workout top, and nice black pointy-toe high heels. * Seeing rips and tears developing in my
Seamless rabbit A friend runs the Pipkin Rabbit Rescue in the north of England, and a Ravelry group is making toy rabbits for her as fundraisers. The designer of an adorable pattern, Billy Bliss Bunny Rabbit (Ravelry link), gave me permission to make one to be sold for charity. My rabbit will
FO: Squishville Socks Finished a pair of socks in the lunchroom at work, a design I hope to get test knitters for (I have two!), and sell on Ravelry. Pattern: My design, Squishville socks Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts medium weight, Trendsetter Super Kid Seta laceweight Needles: US3 Duration: 14th August to 14th
Tweets for September 1st to September 15th * Instead of just Answer or Decline, my phone needs a "Mouthful of oatmeal, please call back in 2 minutes" button for incoming calls. * I love a little petrichor on a sunny evening in Creve Coeur. * Quietly knitting, / Background noise of kicks & yells, / At karate school. #TuesdaysAreForHaiku * I
Stashbusting projects I have several projects lined up for knitting once I finish my Eris cardigan. I'm at the elbow on the second sleeve so it's close now. I like cardigans, I don't have enough of them, and I have yarn that has been malingering in
Full English Breakfast Celebrating an American holiday with a Full English Breakfast: Egg, sausage, black pudding, bacon, Heinz Baked Beans, toast, tea (Twinings English Breakfast, milk, one sugar). The sausage, beans, and black pudding came from a trip to Global Foods to get the proper stuff from England, the bacon is a "
Unconscionable neglect In May of 2008 I started knitting a cardigan with all the best intentions. I got enough yarn, then went back to get the last two skeins in my dyelot as backup. I got all the way to just above the hem and stopped. Didn't even touch it