Snowpocalypse II: Icecapades This poor ice-glazed tree is in my front yard: We're still under a blizzard warning. Ice pellets have been falling all day. This is more scary to me than the foot of snow we had a couple of weeks ago.
Tweets for January 16th to January 31st * Breakfast included Yorkshire Gold tea made with boiling water, milk, and a little sugar. I have renewed my Englishness. * What's the weirdest thing you keep in your car? Mine is a spare mouth guard for karate sparring. * After you've been sick there should be at least
FO: Larix shawl Larix is a semi-circular shawl with columns of twisted stitches instead of lace, made with fingering weight yarn. Pattern: Larix (Ravelry link) Yarn: Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga in Giant Stick Insect, 2 skeins Needles: US4 (40 inch circular) Duration: 30th October 2010 to 22nd January 2011 Ravelry project: Larix Shawl
FO: Cabled Keyhole Scarf Finished this scarf in the lobby of the karate studio between group class and sparring. People see me knitting there almost every week, often wearing handknit socks, yet they're still surprised when they see the finished objects being worn, as if they don't connect knitting with
Good morning St Louis! Woke up to this: Edited to add: Nearly 10am and it's been snowing non-stop, my subdivision hasn't been ploughed, and the nearest outside road keeps slowing to a total stop. Welcome to Snowpocalypse 2011!
FO: Orwell Bridge Scarf II This is the third one of these I have knitted, and I've releasing the pattern as a free Ravelry download. Pattern: My own: Orwell Bridge scarf (Ravelry link) Yarn: Rowan RYC Silk Wool DK Needles: US3 and US4 Duration: 1st January to 9th January Ravelry project: Orwell Bridge
Tweets for January 1st to January 15th * Bread rising bucket ordered to replace the one I accidentally melted in the oven. Whole wheat/Asiago cheese bread turned out OK despite it. * First seeds of a new novel idea to follow on from the 2009 NaNoWriMo novel arrived today. Do I wait for November? Or write it now?
Thoughts on minimalism A friend pointed me to the Minimalist Knitter handbook (free download here) by Robyn Devine of the Minimalist Knitter blog. The ideas in the handbook are: 1. Knit through the stash until you have 40 skeins or less. 2. Don't buy yarn unless you can knit it in
FO: Winter Carrot socks Grey winter days require bright colours: Pattern: My own Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Carrot Needles: US1.5 (2.5mm) magic loop Duration: 16th December to 8th January Ravelry project: Winter Carrot socks The socks I make these days rarely follow a pattern, rather they're
How to write good code Or you could do Agile programming from the start. (Cartoon swiped from xkcd, with permission)