Snapshot - March 2006
Listening to Train "For Me, It's You" and Emiliana Torrini "Love In The Time Of Science". I have to be in the right mood for Emiliana, but she's written some beautiful mellow songs, definitely worth listening to. The Train CD was a birthday gift from Hubby and I love it! It's in the car, which is the highest honour I can bestow on a CD. Also listening to Alanis Morissette's cover of Crazy. I loved the original by Seal, and she did a great job of it.
Reading Crawford Killian Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy, P.G. Wodehouse Very Good Jeeves, and Anne Lamott Traveling Mercies. I have an eight week sci-fi writing course starting at Writer's Village University on the 22nd, and Killian is the textbook. I picked an eight week course to break me in gently for the six week journalling course I've failed to complete twice already.
Geeking out about a new WordPress theme, Painted Desert. I might try it if I can get all my headers and footers in order. It's the first theme that's really caught my eye. It's left-menu, not a right-menu like the rest of the site, but it'd be nice to have a change once in a while. Also need to install the WordPress 2.0.2 upgrade. WordPress upgrades are painless providing you don't delete your config file in the process. The coders have a sense of humour too. You start the upgrade at a given URL on Step One, click the relevant link, wait a few seconds, and get a message saying "You're done, go play!".