Something blue
I have two light blue scarves in progress. One is Juno Regina, using Conjoined Creations Pastimes, a soy lace weight. I've never knit with lace weight before and it's weird. I can't snap the yarn by hand, it's like knitting with a cross between dental floss and beading wire. The lace looks like cat puke, to quote Andrea, but lace
always looks bad before blocking. It's a rule. Finished the first repeat of chart two and dithered about what to use for my lifeline. It's been a while since my last big lace project.

The other scarf is Vintage Velvet (from Scarf Style), using Muench Touch Me, and it's going a lot faster. Love the idea of a reversible cabled scarf. The yarn sheds a little, and you're supposed to felt it when it's complete. It has 28% wool in it, does it end up one third felted? Knitted up it feels heavy, has a lot of drape, and so soft! Nearly through the second ball, three more to go, it's looking like it'll be a 60 inch scarf, though narrower than I normally wear.