Spinning FO: Water Nymph Merino/Silk
Spunky Eclectic's merino silk is great to spin, much easier pre-drafted though. It feels more solid than either merino or silk, and I was careful when I plied it. This skein is balanced, no excess twist here, that's a first. 276 yds of beautiful yarn, I'm thinking of making it into a thin lace scarf. There's a quarter tucked into the skein for a size reference, the yarn came out sport to fingering weight. Next on the wheel is the merino tencel spin your own socks kit from Susan's Spinning Bunny.

There's a couple of locks of angora at the bottom of the photo, it's not roving, it's FUR, from a fawn French Angora rabbit, and I'm not sure how to spin it. It's going to be spun on my Kundert spindle in a nearby coffee shop. I meet a friend there who is learning to spin on my Cascade. We get a few odd looks when the spindle and fibre comes out, but no-one's bothered us so far.
I'm signed up for an intermediate spinning class at the Weaving Department, spinning linen may be one of the lessons, and hopefully I can get a demonstration of Navajo plying too. Chorlton, my Louet S10, is portable enough to take with me to class. Apart from the beginner spinning class, I've been on my own, it will be good to learn more, especially if it's taught by Carol Hagen again.