Spinning FO: Spindle Spun Silk
I've been spinning a silk hankie on my spindle. It's a lot of fun, even when I get snared by stray silk threads. You pull off layer after layer and there's still more. A lot more. Plied most of what I'd spun, though I lost some in a tangled glob possibly due to the ballwinder. Maybe I'll try proper Andean plying next time. My plan was to make a small cloth for cleaning my glasses, something I could casually pull out of my handbag and say "Oh this? It's silk, I spun it myself." I'm not much of a silk person. Cotton and denim mostly, but this is something special:

2 ply silk of varying thickness, knit on size 5 needles with a moss stitch border, roughly five inches square. A little more to spin and it's finished. I am ridiculously pleased with this. It's soft, shiny, a little bumpy, and the colours are wonderful, especially the green. I had no idea there would be so much leftover though, what else can I make with this?
Update 4:40pm
Andean plying rocks! Used these instructions and plied every last bit of what I'd spun, no waste at all. The singles stuck together, so I had to stop and untangle a few times. I think it's enought to finish the cloth.