Random round up The end is nigh, I'm working on the toe of Sehlat's second sock. It will be done before NaNo, two months late but still before Christmas. I love making socks, I just wish I could do it faster than two months a pair. I have three
Woot! Security under the skin. This is a NaNoWriMo plot device waiting to happen! A US company has been given the green light to implant microchips in humans. It's intended to provide medical information ... but will it turn into a surveillance system? How would you like to have the
Testing... This is the NaNoWriMo progress graph Hubby wrote for me, using these figures: * Day one 1000 words * Day two 1000 words * Day three 2000 words * Day four 2000 words * Day five 1667 words * Day six 2000 words * Day seven zero words * Day eight 2500 words It's a PNG
Snippets (End of month is horribly busy at work.) Go read this if you write: Ten mistakes writers don't see, link via Jordon Cooper. I'm wondering what my crutch words are. I think wonder might be one of them. Library book '100 years overdue' It
Register or login to read You know all those annoying "register to view this article" news sites? You don't have to register. Bug Me Not has logins for every site I've looked for and it saves a lot of time.
Bogglement You know those crappy weeks when life sucks and your homegroup has ended and the birthday socks you were planning clearly won't be done in time and it's storming rain outside and your car hasn't dried out from Monday when you inadvertently left the
Copyright gone mad Interesting Wired article, Copyright bill to kill tech? (Link via Jordon Cooper.) The Senate Judiciary Committee will consider a bill Thursday that would hold technology companies liable for any product they make that encourages people to steal copyright materials. Critics say the bill would effectively outlaw peer-to-peer networks and prohibit
FW: 10 Things God Won't Ask (Aye Captain, ahead rant factor thirteen) Don't forward junk email to me, it wastes time and bandwidth. If there's one thing I hate worse than forwards, it's the "Christian" version with this kind of guilt trip in: 10...God won't
The cat ate my laptop I haven't posted this week because the laptop ate my wireless PCMCIA card settings, then decided to trash a bunch of networking DLLs I don't have a disk for, all on its own. My laptop is possessed, or possibly wanting some alone time off the internet.
Geekdom Found a new geek blog, One Agile Coder . It's written by Brian Button, who owns Agile Solutions Group, and taught Hubby Extreme Programming. The blog is worth a look if you're a coder, and XP is definitely worth trying. Taking a piece of my own code