See you in 2006! By the time you read this, I'll be in England happily eating bacon butties. See you after January 6th, and have a great Christmas!
Penultimate 2005 post Met up with Patty on Saturday, she moved from St Louis to York some months ago. It was great to see her, I could stop the usual American translations and talk British with her. It was a blast! And she brought chocolate too. We're returning to the home
Nephew! Congratulations to my sister Fiona, Barnaby William Joseph was born on December 15th! I'll get to see both my nephews for the first time when we visit.
Christmas comes early Hubby loves me! We did Christmas on Saturday since we're flying this week, and he gave me wonderful presents including the Lego Star Wars XBox game! I love that game, it is the best thing on any console or computer, and I don't care that I&
End of the Line This is my last Friday in America for 2005. We fly to England on Thursday 22nd, arriving Friday 23rd. These are the blog-worthy highlights of my year: * I taught myself stranded colour knitting in January. * Hubby gave me an iPod Mini in March for my birthday. * Got my ears pierced
Camera for sale FOR SALE Olympus CAMEDIA D 460 Zoom 1.3 Megapixel (BUNDLE) This is the camera all the photos on this site were taken with, it's easy to use, still got a year of its warranty left, original box, manual, cables, all the bits and pieces.
Compliments? Went to a baby shower for a work colleague yesterday. Why do people think that the highest compliment for a knitted gift is "You made that? It looks like you bought it in a store!" No it doesn't look like a store baby hat. It'
Miscellany Sony recalls copy-protected CDs. Good to see them doing the right thing, though they opened up a Pandora's box with the rootkit. I'll be checking the label on the CDs I buy from now on, I don't want Sony software on my system. If
Can I stop now? Got to be Monday. * Two doctor's appointments. * Embroidery skills evaporated sometime in the 1990s. * Took the day off work, but spent whole day running around like crazy woman. * Car died (bad battery, AAA replacement, excellent technician chap). * Hubby stranded at work after giving me working car to get
Coldplay! Went to the Coldplay concert at Riverport on Saturday night, it was fantastic! The best part was when the band played "Yellow." 2ft yellow balloons filled with yellow streamers were bounced across the crowd, at least thirty of them. It was the largest concert I've ever