The Ultimate Cat Toy You will need: * 2-3 feet of memory wire (available from craft stores) * Some narrow gauge wooden beads (preferably unfinished wood) * A foot of acrylic yarn * A pair of pliers Thread a couple of beads onto the memory wire and bend it into a small loop behind them so they can&
Ickiness I hate it when my perfect layout looks all wrong in the other browser. Why doesn't everyone just use the right browser? I hate having to redo (slightly) the files I thought were finished. I hate having to tweak the CSS to make it look good. I like
Priorities Big project ahead. I'm working on a redesign of the Christian Depression Pages website. This is an eighty-plus page site in English, with Icelandic translations of parts of it. I have one of the easy English sections done but there are seven more English sections, five Icelandic sections,
Interview meme The Interview Meme: how to play 1. Leave me a comment saying "interview me." The first five commenters will be the participants. 2. I will respond by asking you five questions. 3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include
Tapas Homegroup was officially off last night, and we went out for dinner. It was my first ever tapas experience at Modesto. Amazing food! Went with a group of about ten people, everyone trying everyone else's food. Everyone ordered two dishes and shared them. There were forks flying everywhere
Pocket full of random Traded iPods with a co-worker today, an interesting experience. Alice Cooper, Backstreet Boys, Ozzy Osbourne, and Barry Manilow make for an odd mix. I think I've corrupted him with Vanessa Mae. Hubby got me Alice Cooper's "Poison" on iTunes, one of my favourite songs.
Endangered I love the kakapo. How can you not? It's a chubby, green, and flightless parrot, probably has a funny walk and is horribly endangered. These are some more of my favourite things: The Spotted-tailed Quoll Another endangered animal, another oasis of cute. This one's from Australia,
Caedmon's Call Mystery of Mercy by Caedmon's Call from Back Home (2003) I am the woman at the well, I am the harlot I am the scattered seed that fell along the path I am the son that ran away And I am the bitter son that stayed My God,
Perforated I'm breaking my usual embargo of "no pictures of self on the internet" just this once. After a hectic day, what better thing to look forward to than this: This is my birthday present to myself. The ring is blue titanium and I love how it