Cat talk I'm a bad cat-parent. We've been neglecting the little ones of late and I feel guilty. Life interrupted, and Tangle hasn't fared so well. He's licked a bald patch on his front leg so I'm trying the leash training again,
Knocked out Did you see it? Did you catch it's number? That train that ran me down, I think it was driven by this mad microbe out for revenge, and he got me good. I hate getting sick, especially at this end of the work month. Send chocolate.
A handbag? Fascinating article in the Telegraph, £577 price tag as the handbag spills its secrets. Women's handbags have always been a mystery to men and now it appears they are a mystery to women too. Few realise it but the average handbag and its contents are worth £
Journal keeping course assignment #1 I'm posting this here because I'm the only one in class who had the book ahead of time (Leaving a Trace: On Keeping a Journal by Alexandra Johnson) so everyone else is running a week behind. I hate being first to post. I had my first
Grab Bag Autumn Knitty is out, and the first pattern to catch my eye is the Hallowig. This could be so many things! Put in a fringe to make a punk Mohawk, make it in grey as a battle helmet, knit it in toxic green with tentacles as an alien head. I
Downfall Once upon a time there was a drink called Mountain Dew that tasted of citrus and was the exact colour of Ford Premium Engine Coolant. Dew was virulently caffienated, but it mattered not as a decaffeinated version was available. Dew Code Red could not ensnare me as nothing beats 7-UP
Bogglement You know those crappy weeks when life sucks and your homegroup has ended and the birthday socks you were planning clearly won't be done in time and it's storming rain outside and your car hasn't dried out from Monday when you inadvertently left the
Homegroup My homegroup met for the last time on 18th August. I'm temporarily homegroup homeless and I don't know where to go. Hubby is starting a group in September with some cool people and I think I'll it out, but I don't know
Feline Olympics In the past twenty four hours my house has been host to the Feline Olympics, a contest to see which cat annoys me most. Tangle is way ahead after last night. These events have been completed so far: * Tripathalon (Tangle takes the Gold) * 100 yards dash-pounce * Wake the hand that
Highlights of the trip We flew out on Sunday, and got back on Friday. Checked into a New Jersey hotel and got the bus over into Manhattan, much nicer than driving there. London Underground veterans need not fear the NY Subway. I was a little concerned when we checked in that we were only