The Lace Bug
Winter Knitty is out! The Poinsettia neck warmer looks perfect for me, I hate the gap between coat and neck. Ordered a skein of Opulence yarn from The Woolen Rabbit in Burning Embers, a warm orange that's perfect for dispelling winter greyness. The greyer the days, the more I like the colour orange. It shipped on the 18th, I'm hoping it arrives in time for Christmas.
The next three things in my Ravelry queue are all lace (Poinsettia, a Mead scarf (PDF link) from yarn lust All That Glitters yarn, and Juno Regina), which looks like a good place to start knitting with lace weight. There's also a pair of socks for a friend, but my deadline for those is her birthday in September. They won't be lace, and she liked some yarn I had in the stash.
Ball Knitted Like An Orange is also in my queue because I love the shaping. I should have enough left over from my current pair of socks to make the leaves and stalk:

One complete Viking sock in Tempted Yarn's Envy colour. The fit is very snug so I'm glad I skipped the back cable. The fact that there are two main cable charts, one a mirror of the other, appeals to my inner OCD. The cable's not that visible. I thought the yarn was less variegated and it would have less effect, but lesson learned, I still like them.