Tour de Fleece 2011 (part four)
This Tour de Fleece is the most spinning I've done in months, and I want to keep up the momentum. One thing I learned from National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is that a deadline has magical motivating power. I will aim to spin three more skeins in 2011, using fibre from the stash and taking November off to write a novel. I definitely want to spin up my 75/25 merino/possum fibre as one of the skeins.
(NB: These daily updates are posted on my Tour de Fleece 2011 page first.)
Saturday 17th July
Spun a little before knitting group, I'm wondering how the yarn will look when it's plied, and also what to spin next. I much prefer shaded solids to variegateds, so it might be a braid of green/grey BFL from my friend Amy, who has an Etsy store called Fibercycle that returns September 1st.
Sunday 17th July
Spun after karate practice in the basement, got one sixth of the way through the second bobbin. This half of the fibre seems to have more orange pink sections than the other half. Hoping to finish the bobbin this week and ply it before the end of the tour next Sunday. Did some more spinning after escaping the evil afternoon heat, one quarter complete and counting.
Monday 18th July
The second official rest day, but I'll spin today and rest tomorrow. Made it over the halfway point with the second bobbin after an exhausting (but good) karate lesson. Hoping this yarn turns out to be another light fingering weight yarn.
Tuesday 19th July
Spun after work but before karate, 2/3 through the bobbin now. I have two kitchen towels I use as lap-cloths, one white (for dark fibres), the other dyed black (for light fibres). In theory they keep the fibre off my clothes. I drape one over the spinning wheel when I leave to hide the fibre from inquisitive cats.

Wednesday 20th July
Spun when I got home, after karate practice. Made it past the ¾ mark on the bobbin, hoping to finish it tomorrow or Friday, then ply at the weekend. I'm about ready for this yarn to be done.