Tweets for the week of November 6th
- That bright thing in the sky, what do you call it, the sun? It's been so long I'd forgotten. First dry sunny day in forever!
- Paint should have RGB codes, and the web safe palette, papayawhip and cornsilk would make great paint colours!
- The first day of NaNoWriMo is a 25 hour day thanks to the end of Daylight Savings Time. Perfect!
- Watching the sunrise, writing my novel, trying to talk a co-worker into joining the madness at 6am on Nov 1st. I love NaNoWriMo!
- 3086 words on my NaNoWriMo novel and I'm all out of brain power. Awesome write-in today.
- Eew, just wrote a scene from the serial killer's perspective, need to go snuggle the cat and eat chocolate #nanowrimo
- 9k on the novel, new door installed, study painted, cupboards cleaned out, self exhausted. No more novel tonight.
- Guy says I've lost weight, meh. GIRL says it, I'm interested. Is that wrong? Guy is karate instructor, girl is fellow karate student.